Linkow, Leonard I.

Theories and techniques of oral implantology / Leonard I. Linkow, Raphael Cherchève - Saint Louis : The C.V: Mosby Company, 1970 - XV, 334 p. XV, [664] p. il. ; 28.5 cm

Incluye índice y bibliografía

Volume One -- Current implant techniques-an overview – The tissues involved in implant procedures – The implant site -- Implant histology – The evolution of dental implants – Evaluating the implant candidate – Operative tips – Single tooth implants Volume two – Mandibular endosseous implant interventions – Maxillary endosseous implant interventions – Endosseous blade implants – Subperiosteal implants – Endodontic implants – Causes of implant failure – Atypical implant situations

Implantología Oral y Reconstructiva

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