International conference on dental plaque / - New York The Americanm dental association (ADA) Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical company 1969 - 64 p. il. ; 22 cm

Opening of meeting / J. Ropy Doty, Henzen J. Baron – Purpose of conference / Hans R. Muhlemann– Fomation and Growth of plaque on gingival-dental structures / Haral Loe – Microbiology of gingival-dental plaque-recent findings from primate research / William H. Boqen – Formanl sicussion / Max A. Listgarten , Sigmund S. Sicransky – Metabolic activity of plaque as it relates to the gingival dental structures / peter Critchley – Glycolytic activity of plaque and its relation to hard tissue pathology / Hans Graf – Proteolytic activity of plaque and its relation to sift tissue pathology / Gordan Drostell


617.632 A19i