Hockel, Jack

Orthopedic Gnathology / Jack L. Holckel - Chicago Quintessence Publishing Co. 1983 - 485 p. il.; col.; 24.5 cm.

Incluye Índice

Organic occlusion, the goal of Gnathology / Jack Holcel -- The history and theories of Crozat orthopedics / Jack Holcel -- Diagnosis and treatment planning for orthopedic Gnathology / Jack Holcel -- Cephalometrics and orthopedics diagnosis / Richard Adams; John Tocchini -- The Nutrimental Foudation of Orthopedic Gnathology / Edward Arana-- Oral myofunctional therapy within the dental office / William Zickefoosee -- Mechanics of the Crozat appliance / Jack Holcel -- Cranio-maxillary symmetry and mandibular development / Robert Kernott -- Funtional Jaw Orthopedics / John Long -- ¨reventive orthopedics: Early arch development / James Mclnanay --Cranio-Gnathic implications / -- Case histories / Jack Holcel -- Record-Keeeping and practice management / Jack Holcel



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