Buchman, Jack M.

Complte and anchored Dentures / Jack M. Buchman, Ajax Manekratis - Philadelphia J.B.Lippincott Company 1974 - XI 143 p. il., Col. ; 26 cm.

Part I: Complete dentures -- Preliminary impressions -- Constructing custom- made acrylic impression trays -- Wash impressions -- Building bite blocks from wash impresisions -- Preliminary steps in recording vertical and rreliminary centric relation through the act of swallowing -- determining correct cnterior length; placement of the post-dam in the upper bite block -- Determining the occlusal plane -- The face bow recording -- Recording vertical and preliminary centric relation through the act of swallowing -- The positioning of the anterior teech -- Selecting and setting the anterior teeth -- Checking anterior try-ins for esthetics and phonetics -- Positioning and setting the anterior teeth -- Rechecking centric relation and centric oclussion on the complte wax set-ups -- Recording the right and left lateral positions -- Setting the left lateral wax check bite on the articulator -- Balancing the wax dentures on the articulator -- Removal of dentures from the articulator and their dispatch to the laboratory -- Return from the laboratary of finshed denture with the remount model --Adjusting the occlusion of the finished dentures on the articulator -- Tissue tratment --Characterization of dentures -- Termination of tissue treatment -- Duplicating the treated dentuire bases after final tissue condictioning -- Rebasing tissue-treated dentuires using adcor soft Liner -- The hard vinyl denture technic using adcor denture base material

Part II: Anchored dentures -- Initial consultation -- Full mouth radiography -- Study models -- Diagnostic consultation -- Preparation of the mouth prior to extractions -- Extraction and alveolectomy -- TRaetment of tempromandibular joint dysfunction -- Root canal therapy -- Transformation of the temporary partial denture to the full temporary denture -- Gingivectomy -- Final preparations and impressions -- Full wax denture -- Attachments -- Flasking and polishing -- Cementing -- Technique for transforming the occlusal surfaces of the plastic teeth into gold cusps -- Repairs -- Señected case histories


Rehabilitación --Oral

617.6923 B61c