Ducheyne P.

Bone-Bonding biomaterials / P. Ducheyne, Kokubo T., C.A. van Blitterswijk - Leiderpord: Reed Healthcara Comunication [1993] - 247 p. ; il. ; 25 cm.

incluye índice y bibliografía

Bioactive materials: Mechanisms and bioengineering considerations / P. DUcheyne, P. Bianco, S Radin, E. Schepers -- Interfacial reactions leading to bone-bonding with PEO/PBT copolymers (polyactive) / C.A. van Blitterswijk, Dbakker, H. Leenders, J v.d. Brink, S.C. HEsseling, Y. Bovell, A.M. Radder, R.J. Sakker, M. Gaikkard, P.H. Heinze, G.J. Beumer -- Bioactivity of glasses and glass ceramics / T. Kokubo -- Regulations of bone development and relationship to bioactivity; Osteoblastic phenotype expression of marrow stromal stemm cells on the surface of marrow stromal stemm cells on the surface of bioactive materials / H. Ohgushi, M. Okumura, T. Yoshikaga, S, Tamai, S. Tabata, Y Dohi -- Biological Responses to calcium phosphate ceramics / J.D. de Brujin, J.E.Davies, C.P.A.T. Klein, K. De Groot, C.A. v Blitterswijk -- Ultastructure of bone - Composite interface by high resolution transmission electron microscopy / Z.B. Luklinska, W. Bonfield -- Silica gel theckness and calcium phosphate formation at the surface of bioactive glass- Ö.H. Andersson, K.H karlsoon --. Degradation of calcium phosphate ceramics: A comparative study on three types of calcium phosphate /& H.K. Koerten, J. van der Meulen and M.C.H Verhoeven -- Hydroxyapatite-coated versus uncoated porous titanium samples implanted in the canine femoral cancellous bone / A. Moroni, V. Caja, E Egger, L, Trinchese, E.Y. Chao -- Growth hormone loaded biomaterials: Their ability to stimulate osteoid formation at the bone-material interface / S. Downes -- Transmission electron microscopuc study of apatite formation on bioactive ceramics in vivo / M. Neo, T. Nakamura, T. Yamamuro, C. Ohtsuki, T. Kokubo -- HYdroxy-apatite coated hip implates: Experimental and clinical studies -- K. Geesink / Evaluation af an Alternative Delivery System for demineralized bane -- A.B. Prewett, C.J. Damien, LW. Meeks -- Resordable Hydroxylapatite Reinforced Poly (l-lactide) composites with bone bond-ing ability - C.C.P.M. Verheyen, J.R. de Wijin, C.A. van Blitterswijk, P.M: Rozing, K. de Groot -- Models for the evaluation of bioctive implants: An Example of fluorapatite-coated implants in an experimental arthritis model / W.J.A. Dhert, P. Thomsen, C.P.AT., Klein, P.M: Rozing, K de Groot, L.E: Ericson -- Bone formation process in porous PEO/PBT Copolymer (Polyactive): A histological study of ectopic bone formation induced by rat bone marrow cells / M. Okumarta, C.A. van Blitterswijk, H.K. Koerten, D. Bakker, S.C. Hesseling, K de Groot -- Formation of carbonate apatite on calcium phophate materials: Dissolutation. Precipitation Processes / R.Z Legeros, G Daculsi, I. Orly, M. Gregoire, M. Gregoire, M. Heughebaert, M. Gineste, R. Kijikowska -- Thre rate of calcium phosphate precipitation on metal and ceramics , and ceramics, and the relation ship to bioactivity / P. Ducheyne, S. Radin, K. Ishikawa -- Papel discussion workshop "bioactive materials"- Berlin 1999


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