Sarnat, Bernard G

The temporamandibular Joint: A Biological for Clinical Practice / Bernard G. Sarnat, Daniel M. Laskin - 4th Ed. - USA Saunders Company 1992 - XIX, 505 p. 27 cm

Contiene Bibliografía e indice

Biologicla basis:Orin and adaptation of the hominid jaw joint (E.Lloyd DuBrul); Comparate functional anatomy; Morphogenesis (Henry Noble and Stephen Creanor); The condyle and facial growth (Alphonse Burdi); Functional anatomy (Willian Hylander); Remodeling (Murray Meikle); Neurophysiology (Artur Storey); Neurobioly of facial and dental pain (Barry Sessle); Pathophysiology Of the Masticatory muscles (Robert Yemm); Pathological aspects of developmental, inflammatory, and neoplastic disease (J. Phill Sapp and Henry Cherrick); Pathological aspects of arthritides and derangements (Tore HAnsson); Congenital and developmental anomalies (David Poswillo and Paul Robison); Experimental studies (Willian Were and Jeffrey Fujimoto). Clinical Practice: Epidemologyn (Elliot Gale); History and physical Examination (Daniel LAskin and Bernatd Sartat); Imagind (Per-Lennart Westesson); Arthoscopy (Anders Holmlund and Gastaf Hellsing); Temporomandibular disorders, evolution of concepts (Charles Greene); Temporomandibular disorders, Diagnisisand Etiology (daniel Laskin); Temporomandibular disorders, Psychological and behavioral aspects (Jhon Rugh and Suzanne Davis); diagnisis and nonsurgical theatmen of masticartory muscle pain (Glenn Clark and Robert Merrill)

This is the standard TMJ/Oral Surgery reference! Two distinguished editors combine their knowledge and that of their contributing authors to produce an authoritative TMJ reference based on sound scientific principles



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