Langley, L.L.

The Physiological fundation of dental practice / L-L. Langley; E. Cheraskin - St. Louis The C.V Mosby Company 1951 - 511 p. il., 25.5 cm

Receptors -- The Neitron --The Synapse -- Skeletal Muscle -- The reflex Motor systems -- Cerebelum -- Cranial Nerves -- Referred pain and special reflexes -- Autonomic Nervous System and the hypothalamus -- vision -- audtion olfaction, gustantion .. Integration of nervous system -- Cardiac muscle -- the cardiac cycle -- heart sounds -- electrocardiography -- Regulation of the heart's action -- Cardiac Output -- nCoronary circulation -- Arterial blood pressure -- Control of the arterial blood vessels -- The venous blood pressure -- The capillaries and lymphatic -- Hypertension -- Circulation through regions --Blood -- Integration of the circulatory system failure if the circulation -- The physics of respiration -- Oxygen and carbon dioxide trasportation -- Control Of respiratorian -- Integration ofthe respiratory system the administration of an anesthetic -- the kidney --Acid balace -- Micturition -- Integration of excretion normal constituents, drugs, diuretics -- the dental tissues - salivation --Deglutition and digestion -- The intestine -- Food metabolism -- energy metabolism -- nutrition --The pancreas

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